Well construction for Pajal Bajo

Sns has provided 11,025 Euro in the earth quake area of Equador for the construction of a well with sanitary facilities in the village of “Pajal Bajo” and its school “Nueve de Noviembre”.

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A special awards ceremony

Primary, middle and high schools across the country participated in the competition "A T-shirt of Solidarity" organised by "social network south tyrol".

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A fantastic achievement through helping together

The pupils of Bruneck’s secondary school “Sozialwissenschaftliches Gymnasium und Kunstgymnasium” have achieved their big aim. They set themselves the goal of co-financing a deep well to provide water for around 1,700 people in a juvenile detention centre in Sierra Leone – a project that was estimated to cost 36,000 Euros – and they really threw themselves into the task.

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Sierra Leone – a human tragedy

In spring we, the “Social Network South Tyrol,” successfully helped in the implementation of a project for the construction of water wells in Sierra Leone. Now we are receiving horrifying news from this extremely poor country in West Africa.

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