Casa Hogar De Jesus, Ecuador

For years sns has been supporting the street children's village in Santo Domingo de los Tsachilas. What has happened there is briefly reproduced here.

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Lura - Nepal: Project completed

We are glad to announce that our aid projects in the mountain village of Lura in the Solu District has been completed. 50 farms and a primary school are now connected to clean drinking water. Furthermore the construction of three family houses was financed and relief supplies were distributed to needy families in the rural area.

In the picture: Gruber Albert, Project leader Nepal

Christmas and New Year wishes

This is Francisco, the child who was found in a dumpster in Ecuador just before Christmas 2016. Francisco can already walk and enjoy a carefree life in the care of nice people.

With little Francisco I wish you all, dear members, patrons and donors a happy Christmas in the circle of dear people, through whom you feel the message of the love of God.

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Course of solidarity

On Friday 25th May 2018 starts our first course of solidarity, organized by the students of the technical college "Max Valier" - Bozen.

The runners are looking for a sponsor who pays a donation of 5€ per round (1km).

The proceeds will benefit the construction of an e-work for the rural population and a center for children mothers and abused children in Ecuador.

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Solidarity for Nepal

We know Nepal as the country of the Himalayas, gods and demons, the brave Sherpas, wild yaks, and of course the legendary yeti. It is, however, also the country of many different ethnic minorities, which until today work the isolated mountain vallies.

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