A special awards ceremony

Published: Monday, 16 November 2015

Primary, middle and high schools across the country participated in the competition "A T-shirt of Solidarity" organised by "social network south tyrol".

The competition was launched to encourage students to engage with the issue and express their ideas in designing a T-shirt. The top five T-shirt designs were unveiled at an award ceremony in October held in the assembly hall of the middle school "Albert Schweitzer" in Bozen, attended by Councillor Philipp Achammer, M.A. theol.

Christian Alber on behalf of the Deputy Head of the Office of Education Dr Peter Höllrigl, several school principals, teachers, professors, sponsors, friends, acquaintances and relatives of the winners, as well as representatives of various charities.

The programme included music from a band and the choir of the host middle school. At the award ceremony, Prof Lafogler Roland emphasised that what made the awards special was that the winners were not claiming the cash prize for themselves, but had chosen to donate it to a charitable cause, such as helping a family that finds itself in need due to illness. They had thus demonstrated a true symbol of solidarity.

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