Aid for the Philippines

Every day in the news we see terrible pictures of people in despair, people who have lost family members or who are helplessly searching for them in the rubble. In collaboration with the Austrian aid organisation "Jugend eine Welt" (, we’re collecting donations for the victims of the typhoon in the Philippines in order to offer them help as quickly as possible. Our collaborative solidarity can achieve great results and save lives.

"€ 1 for the Philippines" campaign

I want to show my solidarity with the survivors of the typhoon by going without a breaktime snack and donating the value of the snack to those in need in the Philippines.

One €uro is not a lot.
And yet
it is a tremendous amount
when everyone gives one.

The campaigns carried out by schools/school classes will be published on our website.

Donations account:
Südtiroler Volksbank  / Banca Popolare dell'Alto Adige
IBAN: IT92 M058 5658 2200 7057 1307 330
Reference: "Help for the Philippines"

Education Authority Director Peter Höllriegel has already pledged his support to "social network South Tyrol."

Thank you!

Update February 2014: We support the construction of a new school building

Schools and organisations that have already taken part:

Foto oben: Crown Copyright 2013/LPHOT Keith Morgan (CC BY-NC 2.0)

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